6 Dystopian Series You Should Read To The End

So I have a major issue with Dystopian stories. I figure if you are going to destroy the majority of the human race you had better have a great and scientifically sound reason it happened. I assume that anyone venturing to develop a dystopian story would have a concrete history of why their setting/plot is […]

just trying to see if this thing is working….

Hello, can you hear me? Here is a quote from my book BLOOD OF THE GODS         As I come up to a sharp curve, which I maneuver in a familiar manner, an electrifyingly brilliant bolt of lightning strikes the road not a hundred feet in front of me.  I slam on […]

Submissions Are Open!

Big News! Click here to submit your work to Big World Network!  If you want to be a part of our eBook and audio book network, submit your best work!  


Oh the difference time can make. I am always surprised by how true this is, especially in writing. I have so many times written something I considered perfect and let it sit for a few months. When I come back I can feel that excitement in my belly, I’m thrilled to read the thing I […]


I am just going to come out and say it. I am in a holding pattern. I have lost sight of the dream. I have lost sight of my self. I HATE  the stories inside my head that will not leave me alone and yet will not come out in a way others of my […]

BETA READERS/friends (that are not your mom)

So, it takes a village to edit a book. Well at least one of my books. So they are not a hot mess per se; I have no problem getting from the first page to the last page plot-wise (I can do it with my eyes closed) what I can’t do AT ALL is edit. I […]

Epic Fantasy that is FIERCE!!

I love me some Epic Fantasy. Like seriously. It was my first real love (of the books I myself have read). I think a few things that make Epic Fantasy really work for me are: the coming of age story with the cool mentor guy, and the hard-sodded life of a backward bumpkin molded into brilliance by using magical powers that […]

Why do I do this?

If any of you are reading ELIZABETH TUDOR and don’t want to have a notion of certain developments later in the story ruined, cease construing pronto!! This process of writing is very exposing and brutal and I have no idea why I keep doing it. So, because of who I am and what I stand […]

SO good yet SO bad

There are a few books I read concurrently that inspired me to start my website, cleanlit.com  These books are so awesome as far as plot goes but they have something in them that just completely turned me off so I couldn’t finish either the book or the series. This of course broke my heart. I am nothing […]

A Few Thoughts About Self Publishing

Now that my book has been published, I have a few thoughts that I wanted to share with you, my beloved readers. I went with a printer called Bookbaby, and things didn’t quite go as planned. There is a lot more to publishing than just printing out a book. It turns out that distribution is […]